








Assurance Christian Academy  (ACA) was founded by Bishop Dr. Sylvester  V. Jones in 2001. It first started out as a homeschool facility used to accomadate those students who were being home schooled at home by their parents.God blessed our pastors to continued and expand the vision.So they did...and now ACA serves Brevard County serving three cities. The schools' headquarters are located at 1009 S. Fiske Blvd. in lovely Rockledge, Florida. Two more campuses are under consideration for Melbourne, Titusville/Mims Florida. ACA plans to serve more schools in the surrounding counties and cities.Their learning motto is...."EDUCATION IS STILL AN ESSENTIAL MINISTRY!"




1.                        Employees have a duty to report actual or suspected cases of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect.

2.                        Employees have immunity from liability if they report any misconduct.

3.                        Employees have a duty to comply with child protective investigations. The  abuse hotline number (1-800-96ABUSE).





ACA is also safety conscience when it concerns your child's safety. Posted on the school's bullentin are the mandated Florida Procedures for reporting Mis Conduct of employees and an abuse hotline phone number as represented below:



1.  The reporter must make an incident report. The report must include the parties names, date of incident, and the location of alleged incident, (see administration for report form). The incident form must be addressed to the Principal or Director of the school or Administrator.

2.  The incident report must give a clear description of the abuse or misconduct.

3.  The report must be signed by the reporter and dated.

4.  After the report has been filed, the administration must have a meeting with the parties involved immediately (within 24 hours), including parents and any related party if necessary. The Principal and administration will make the decision of the level of severity after a school investigation has been made. During the investigation period, the employee will be on probation, and will not be allowed on the school campus.

5.  After the investigation, the severity of the charge will be considered. If it’s determined that the misconduct is severe beyond the school’s ability to resolve according to state statutes, the proper protective authorities will be notified immediately, and employee terminated.

6.  Failure to follow the incident reporting procedures or failure to report an incident may result in indefinite suspension or termination.




  The Principles Of Professional Conduct

Of the Education Professional

Assurance Christian Academy


  1. The following disciplinary rule shall constitute the Principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession at Assurance Christian Academy, otherwise known as ACA.


  1. Violation of any of these principles shall subject the individual to suspension or termination of the individual or other penalties as provided by law.


  1. Obligation to the student requires that the individual:
    1. Shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from condition harmful to learning and/or to the student’s mental and/or physical health and/or safety.
    2. Shall not unreasonably restrain a student from independent action in pursuit of learning.
    3. Shall not unreasonably deny a student access to diverse points of view.
    4. Shall not intentionally suppress or distort subject matter relevant to a student’s academic program.
    5. Shall not intentionally expose a student to unnecessary embarrassment or disparagement.
    6. Shall not intentionally violate or deny a student’s legal rights.
    7. Shall not harass or discriminate against any student on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, marital status, handicapping condition, sexual orientation, or social and family background and shall make reasonable effort to assure that each student is protected from harassment or discrimination.
    8. Shall not exploit a relationship with a student for personal gain or advantage.
    9. Shall keep in confidence personally identifiable information obtained in the course of Professional service, unless disclosure serves professional purposes or is required by law.


  1. Obligation to the public requires that the individual:


a. Shall take reasonable precautions to distinguish between personal views and those of any educational institution or organization with which the individual is affiliated.

b. Shall not intentionally distort or misrepresent facts concerning an educational matter in direct or indirect public expression.

c. Shall not use institutional privileges for personal gain or advantage.

d. Shall accept no gratuity, gift or favor that might influence professional judgment.

e. Shall offer no gratuity, gift or favor to obtain special advantages.


  1. Obligation to the profession of education requires that the individual:


    1. Shall maintain honesty in all professional
    2. Shall not on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, marital status, handicapping condition if otherwise qualified, or social and family background deny to a colleague professional benefits or advantages or participation in any professional organization.
    3. Shall not interfere with a colleague’s exercise of political or civil rights and responsibilities.
    4. Shall not engage in harassment or discriminatory conduct which unreasonably interferes with an individual’s performance of professional or work responsibilities or with the orderly processes of education of which creates a hostile, intimidating, abusive, offensive, or oppressive environment; and further, shall make reasonable effort to assure that each individual is protected from such harassment or discrimination.
    5. Shall not make malicious or intentionally false statements about a colleague.
    6. Shall not use coercive means or promise special treatment to influence professional judgment of colleagues.
    7. Shall not misrepresent one’s own professional qualifications.
    8. Shall not submit fraudulent information on any document in connection with professional activities.
    9. Shall not make any fraudulent statement or fail to disclose a material fact in one’s own or another’s application for a professional position.
    10. Shall not withhold information regarding a position from an applicant, or misrepresent an assignment or conditions of employment.
    11. Shall provide upon the request of the certificated individual, a written statement of specific reason for recommendations that lead to the denial of increments, significant changes in employment, or termination of employment.
    12. Shall not assist entry into or continuance in the profession of any person known to be unqualified in accordance with these principles of Professional Conduct of the Education Profession in Florida and other applicable Florida Statues and State Board of Education Rules.
    13. Shall self-report within 48 hours to appropriate authorities (as determined by district) any arrest/charges involving the abuse of a child or the sale and/or possession of a controlled substance.  Such notice shall not be considered an admission of guilt nor shall such notice be admissible for any purpose in any proceeding, civil or criminal, administrative or judicial, investigatory or ad judicatory.  In addition, shall self-report any conviction, finding of guilt, withholding of adjudication, commitment to a pretrial diversion program, or entering of a plea of guilty or Nolo Contender or any criminal offense other than a minor traffic violation within 48 hours after the final judgment.  When handling sealed and expunged records disclosed under this rule, school districts shall comply with the confidentiality provisions of Sections 943.0585 (4) (c) and 943.059 (4) (c), Florida Statutes.
    14. Shall report to appropriate authorities any known allegation of a violation of the Florida School Coe or State Board of Education Rules as defined in Section 1012.795 (1), Florida Statutes.
    15. Shall seek no reprisal against any individual who has reported any allegation of a violation of the Florida School Code or State Board of Education Rules as defined in Section 1012.795 (1), Florida Statutes.
    16. Shall comply with the conditions of an order of the Education Practices Commission.
    17. Shall, as the supervising administrator, cooperate with the Education Practices Commission in monitoring the probation of a subordinate.





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Bishop, Dr. Sylvester V. Jones, Principal

Evangelist Joyce D. Jones, Director

Edward Bernard, Administrator

Mertyce L. Wilson, Administrator



“Where teaching is still… a ministry”



Association Of Christian Schools International











Dear Parents:


            Welcome to the Assurance Christian Academy family.  Your child’s education and spiritual development are important to us and we thank you for placing your trust in us.  We believe that your relationship with us will be a rewarding experience.


            This handbook explains the rules and regulations that govern our school.  Of course, each teacher and activity may have his or her own rules and regulation.  Please read this handbook prayerfully and help your child understand its importance.  We expect each student to adhere to the rules contained in the handbook.  If you have any question about any part of the handbook, please ask any faculty or administrative member.


            Assurance Christian Academy is a ministry to local families and as a ministry, we have goals and objectives that can only be fulfilled through implementation of a planned course of study characterized by certain Biblical principals involving parents, students and the staff in united Christian cooperation.  You are welcomed to make an appointment to discuss your child’s development and concerns.  It is only with a united cooperation that we will be successful in building strong children.


            It is our greatest desire to join with you in building an educational environment based on Biblical principals that not only builds Christian character but also augments and strengthens home and church ties.  Working with each family, we strive to cultivate each child’s God given strengths, while at the same time minimizing his weaknesses in a positive way. 


The Board of Assurance Christian Academy    





The philosophy of Assurance Christian Academy is based on Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”  Simply put, we are Christians, therefore we are a Christ centered ministry committed to provide quality education, training and life skills.





I will work hard for an A

I will accept a B

I will not tolerate a C

And a D is not an option!






Our school symbol is a crown.  The Assurance Academy athletic teams are "The Royals".  Reference Scripture “but ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation” … I Peter 2:9







Assurance Christian Academy is seeking accreditation through approved Florida Department of Education agencies(see, for a list of approved agencies).

Statement Of Faith

Assured Christian Academy wishes to convey to you our beliefs and our commitment of Christ.  The Word presents God as infinite and eternal, having no beginning and no end.  He is creator and sustainer of all things.  He is supreme and righteous ruler. He is life and the only source of life.

We believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God. (II Peter 1:18-21)

God eternally exist as the Father, Son and Holy Ghost and in him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily. (II Corinthians 13:14, Col 2:9)

Salvation is through Jesus Christ and him alone, to whom to go to with repentance and obedience.  Through Jesus Christ we come into the right relationship to God.  Our sins are forgiven and we receive eternal life.  (Rom. 10:13, Eph. 2:5-8, St. John 3:16, 16:7-11)

Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God (John 3:16) conceived of the Holy Ghost (Matt. 1:20) and born of a virgin. 

Jesus Christ was crucified, buried and was raised from the dead, he ascended to Heaven and is seated on the right hand of the Father as an intercessor, (Acts 2:23-33) and that he makes intercession on our behalf. (Heb. 7:25)

Those that repent and believe should be baptized with water as a symbol of baptism with the Holy Ghost, being cleansed from sin That every true believer receives the Holy Spirit and is baptized into the Body Of Christ at conversion, the Holy Spirit indwells every believer enabling every believer to live a holy lifestyle which is the standard that Christ has for his people. (Acts 2:28, 4:10-12, 8:16, 10-47-48, 19:3-6, Matt.3: 11, Acts 1:4-8, Heb. 12:14).

Honoring God through praise and worship is expected from all true believers, for he is worthy to be praised (Psalm 29:2, 34:1, 149:1,

Divine healing is through Jesus Christ by faith. We minister to those that are broken and of a contrite spirit bringing healing to the total man or woman. (Psalm34: 18)

Faith is important to every true believer, without it, it is impossible to please God. (Heb. 11:6).

We believe and look forward to the return of Jesus Christ in the resurrection of the dead and those of us that remain shall be caught up to meet him in the air to live forever with him. (I Th. 4:16-18, Rev. 22-12-21)



Assurance Christian Academy admits students of all races, color, natural and ethnic origin and have all the rights and privileges to all activities and programs made available to the student body.  We do not discriminate on the bases of race, color, national and ethnic origin in the administering of educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and /or other school administered programs.




Parents and children are not required to become members of True Pentecostal Assemblies Worldwide, Inc. or Greater Blessed Assurance Apostolic Temple in order to Attend Assurance Christian Academy, the only requirement is that you adhere to our Statement Of Faith.




Enrollment into Assurance Christian Academy can only be done through application and acceptance.  Student(s) must accompany their parent at the initial interview.  Criteria for acceptance is based upon the following:


Academic ability (testing may be required)

Conduct Agreement

Agreement to school philosophy


The following are requirements for application:

Completed Application for Admission and submit a previous report card and most recent standardized test score.

Please submit the following before the first day of school:

Birth Certificate (copy)

Current record of immunizations and vaccinations as required by Florida law (must be HRS blue card certificate of immunization.)







In accordance with Florida Statute 232.0222 the compulsory attendance of all pupils shall be checked and recorded each school day.  Pupils may be counted in attendance only if they are physically present at school or are away from school on a school day and are engaged in an educational activity that constitutes a part of the school approved instructional program for the pupil.  The state attendance rule allows a student who has an excused absence to make up the work.  A student who accumulates to many unexcused absences will be in violation of the attendance rule and may fail a class or classes.  The following are acceptable reasons for student absences:


1.     Illness of the student

2.    M ajor illness in the immediate family of the student (immediate family is determined as parents, brothers, sister, grandparents, aunts, uncles. Legal guardians or persons in loco parentis or a member of his own household)

3.     Death in the immediate family of the student.

4.      Absences for trips, doctor or dental appointments or other parental requests as judged appropriate for the student by the principal, provided that the requests are approved 24 hours prior notice.


All other absences from school shall be considered unexcused.


The day following the absence, the student must bring a written excuse signed by the parent or guardian stating the student’s reason for been absent.  A note that does not include the reason for the absence will be considered unexcused.  The student must provide a doctor’s note for absences of three or more consecutive days.


It will be the student’s responsibility to get and complete any daily work assigned during his/her absence.  The amount of time allowed for make-up work will be a maximum equal to twice the length of the absence.  For example, two days make-up time for one-day absence; four days make-up time for two days absence, etc.  Extra time allowance can only be determined with the teacher’s approval based on need.  Failure to make-up work with the teacher’s guidelines will result in a “0” for the work not turned in.


Any tests or projects assigned previous to the student’s absence will be due on the day he /she returns unless discretion designated otherwise.  In addition, if a student misses a class but is in school for part of that same day, any work due must be turned in to the teacher even if the student was not present for the class.  If a student is going to be absent because of an activity that has been approved in advance, assignments should be obtained from his/her teacher before the absence and will be due on the first day of returning to school.




Parents are advised that student should be dropped off and picked up in front of the school.  We are always happy to have visitation from the parents, however, if there is a need to visit the school, please make an appointment


Please have your child in class on time.  Late arrivals may interrupt class flow and interfere with the learning of others.  Excessive or habitual tardiness will result in parent conferences.



Regular office hours are 8:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. Monday through Friday.  If necessary, later appointments can be arranged through the office.  School hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00p.m.


Once a student enters the classroom, they cannot leave without permission for any reason.  If a student leaves the classroom or campus without expressed written permission, the student will be suspended for as many days as the principal deems necessary and the parents will be notified.


Parents must not spend time conferencing during morning drop off.  Children need to be monitored and directed at this time.  If you need to talk to the teacher, please send a note for an appointment.


A person whose name is not listed on the student’s enrollment forms cannot pick up a child without written permission to school personnel by the parent or guardian.




Any student who is on the school grounds past 15 minutes after school is dismissed will be admitted to the principals’ office and will be charged $5.00 per 5 minutes increments unless previous arrangements have been made.  After school activities do not apply.




It is possible for a student to fail for the year due to excessive absences.  For a student to receive credit in any class, his/her total semester absences may not exceed 9.  The yearly absences may not exceed 18, after which a note from the doctor will be required.  Three unexcused tardies to school will equal one unexcused absence, which will result in a detention for 6th-8th grades).  Exceptions apply for unusual circumstances after parental consultation with the Principal or reviewed by the attendance committee.  Only excused absences or pre-authorized excused absences will be excluded from the limit.  Students must attend at least one-half of a day to receive credit for full attendance for the day.




Students are tardy if they arrive after 9:00a.m.  Late students must report to the office for a late slip and then proceed the sanctuary or class.  The teacher will determine if the tardy will be excused or unexcused.




Unexcused Tardies


Three unexcused tardies will be recorded as one unexcused absence.  If tardies become excessive, a parent conference will be called.  Unexcused tardies between classes will result in a demerit. 




Students who leave the classroom or are not in their scheduled area must have a hall pass from their teacher.  If a student is caught without a pass, a detention may apply.  The Hall Monitor is in place to assist students and he/she must be respected at all times.  If a student shows disrespect toward the Hall Monitor, the student will be subject to discipline by the principal and a suspension may apply.




Daily devotion attendance is mandatory, every student and teacher is a part of the spiritual influence and training that characterizes ACA.  Student will be training in leading devotion by learning how to read scripture, pray and lead praise and worship.  Reverence and respect is expected by all attendees.




It is the responsibility of the school to know the where about of its students.  Once students arrive on campus in the morning, they may not leave campus without permission from the office.  Therefore, those who must leave the campus for some legitimate reason should bring a note to the school office for approval from the parent or guardian stating the time they are to leave.  All students must sign out at the office before leaving the school.


1.      Parents should not check students out of school unless it is an unavoidable emergency.

2.      Doctor and Dentist appointments should be scheduled after school hours if possible.

3.     Our student’s school day is very full.  Students stay busy most of the day.  Therefore, it is very difficult when a student leaves early to get them caught up.  Unexcused early dismissals will result in an unexcused absence and any work missed may not be made up.  (See unexcused absences).

4.      Students should never be checked out of school for haircuts shopping trips, errands, travel convenience, etc.  All such reasons for checking out cannot be excused and carry all the weight of an unexcused absence i.e. ruin perfect attendance, accrue toward maximum allowable absences to receive class credit.)  Work cannot be made up.

5.     Legitimate reasons for students checking out of school are:

·    Legitimate reasons for students checking out of school are:

i.    Funeral of close family member

ii.    Injury of member of immediate family member

iii.   Immediate significant crisis (i.e. student becomes ill at school, etc).

iv.   Unavoidable doctor appointments

Notes sent by parents requesting that students be allowed to check out must contain all of the following information:

·    Purpose for student checking out (one of the approved purposes)

·    Time student will need to check out

·    Time student will return or statement that student will not return

·    Phone number where parent may be reached that day

·    Signature of parent.


Students who present a note to check out which does not meet all of the above criteria will not be allowed to check out on strength of the note alone.  The staff person responsible for check out must talk with the student’s parent to determine if the reason for the check out meets the criteria for having the period of absence excused.  If it does, the student will be allowed to check out and have the absence excused; if it does not meet the criteria, the student’s parent will be apprised of that fact, and can decide if the check out is desirable in view of its unexcused classification.


Any student leaving campus before dismissal will be suspended for three (3) days or at the principal’s discretion, a letter will be sent to the parents followed by a phone call.






All medicine sent to school MUST be kept in the school office and MUST be administered there.  Medicine MUST be in the original container and MUST contain the following information written clearly either on the container or on a note from the parent:


1.      Name of the child medication is for

2.     Amount of dosage

3.      Time and date on which medicine is to be given


Signature of the parent must be on a written note.  Medicine cannot be given unless it contains this information written clearly.  Oral instructions via telephone for pupils cannot be accepted.  The school does not provide paper cups, spoons, or any type of medication (e.g. Tylenol, aspirin, cough drops, etc.)  Please enclose medicine and spoon or other applicator in a zip lock bag and inform the office personnel that the child has medicine for the day.  She will see that the medicine is refrigerated if necessary.


Special Note:  We can accept only well children.  If symptoms are observed, your child will be sent home.  Symptoms that are cause for keeping your child at home are:  a cold, constant coughing, croup, runny nose, open sores, earache, red eyes, pink eye, skin eruptions, sore throat, fever, vomiting and diarrhea.


Communicable Disease Policy:


In all cases involving a public grouping of people, prudence requires that students and employees with acute symptoms of communicable diseases take sick leave while ill.



A parent will be notified immediately of any illness that prevents the student from remaining in the classroom.  If a student has a fever, parent will be notified to pick up their child.


Children with infected mucus discharging from the nose should be kept at home until the discharge is clear or has been on antibiotic for at least 24 hours.  Children with fever, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. should be kept at home until free of symptoms for 24 hours.



During emergency weather conditions, please pay close attention to local radio and TV stations.  Especially during hurricanes, ACA will follow the Brevard County School system.  Usual telephone numbers on emergency lines (if operational) are 632-6966 and 632-1053.



Students are required to bring a bagged lunch except on days when lunch will be catered.  You will be notified when a catered lunch will be provided.  Please limit the amount of sugary snacks.  Please let the office staff know if your student has food allergies.

You as the parent know the amount of food your student need to function, therefore we ask that you give your child breakfast in the morning BEFORE coming to school.  Please do not send your student to school without serving him/her breakfast.  Students have a tendency to eat their lunch in the morning and look to the school to provide them with lunch because they were hungry when the came to school.  ACA will not provide lunch to students except on those days when lunch will be catered and you will be notified of such days and a nominal fee will be required.

Cafeteria Rules:

1.        Be respectful to everyone

2 .    Avoid loud talking

3    .No horseplay

4        Clean up all messes

A refrigerator is provided if refrigeration is required.  If your student has lunch that requires the use of a microwave, please be sure to provide a microwavable container that is disposable along with proper eating utensils.  The school will not be responsible for providing such containers.



Discipline is important and necessary in order to have a good learning environment.  The goal is to help the child develop self-control.

Students at ACA are to behave in an orderly and respectful manner, maintaining Christian standards in courtesy, kindness, language, morality and honesty.  Students must agree to strive toward unquestionable character in dress, conduct and attitude.  They are expected to refrain from talking about or engaging in cheating, using profanity, telling inappropriate jokes, inappropriate contact between boys and girls, improper visual materials, smoking, gambling, rock music (MP3’s and other devices are not permitted on campus) improper dancing, drinking alcoholic beverages and use of narcotics and tobacco products.



If ACA administration feels that reasonable cause exits, a student will be required to take a drug test after parental notification has been given.  Parental permission is not required for this test.  Reasonable cause must exist before the administration, in its sole discretion determine that a test is necessary.  Reasonable suspicion  include but is not limited to:


1        Student has used or possessed drugs

2      Student has taken mood-altering substances (this does not include prescription medication).

3       Student has consumed alcohol during school hours.

The result of the drug test will assist in the final determination.  The principal or his/her appointee will make the final decision as to what action will be taken by the school.  If the test is found to be positive, the student could face expulsion; also failure to take the drug test may be grounds for expulsion.

Inappropriate Behavior

During school hours, all students are expected to conduct themselves as proper young men and women of standards.  Inappropriate behavior such as but not limited to:


1       Fighting

2       Destruction of school property

3        Insubordination and/or direct disobedience of school staff

4       Inappropriate use to school computers

5        Inappropriate jokes, gestures or language

6        Possession of sexually explicit material

7        Distribution of sexually explicit material

8. Inappropriate touching

9        Remarks of a sexual nature

10    Fornication on campus

11    Willing accompanying another student who is involved in inappropriate behavior.

12    Vandalism

After the standards of conduct are explained in each classroom, a simplified understanding of the procedures that may be used in the discipline policy are:

1.     Teacher warning

2.      Classroom intervention: pray with student, isolation, extra assignment, retraction of privileges

3.  Call home – get parents involved

4.     Send to the Principal


A first visit the principal’s office may result in only a warning.  A second visit usually requires parent involvement on a greater scale.  Depending on the infraction, any visit may warrant more severe consequences i.e., parent conference, in-school suspension, suspension, etc.  Excessive referrals to the principal’s office may result in a suspension.  Expulsion is used as a last resort, unless warranted in extreme violations such as drugs, alcohol, weapons, physical or verbal abuse of another student or staff member.


SPECIAL NOTE:  If a student physically laid their hands on a teacher or school facility member, it is considered a felony.  If such incidents should happen, the local authorities will be called to the school.  Parents will be notified of the occurrence whether an arrest is made or not.  Expulsion may be eminent upon principal discretion.



A student that is suspended is automatically on disciplinary probation.  Any student that is not making sufficient progress during his/her probation period may be dismissed or asked to withdraw from ACA.  Students that are on disciplinary probation will not be permitted to participate on any school sponsored activity such as class trips, etc.

If a student is not in disciplinary probation but considered a “trouble maker or a problem” will not be invited to outside school activities unless a parent accompanies the student at their expense.



You have the right to….

1.     A quiet learning environment

2.     Orderly surroundings

3.      Respect from classmates

4.  Respect from authority figures


Your rights of conduct and behavior

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.      <!--[endif]-->Respect authority, school, classroom, equipment and peers

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.      <!--[endif]-->Respect classroom environment

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.      <!--[endif]-->No gum, candy, food or drinks in class or hallway (automatic detention)


Your rules of responsibility

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.      <!--[endif]-->Be responsible for your belongings

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.      <!--[endif]-->Be prompt and prepared for class

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.      <!--[endif]-->Follow the dress code

Failure to follow these rules may result in demerits earned towards an after school detention.

Your consequences:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.      <!--[endif]-->Demerits are issued at the discretion of the teacher and will NOT be changed without a parent conference.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.      <!--[endif]-->Three (3) demerits received in one day will earn a detention.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.      <!--[endif]-->Detentions may include work detail and/or academic work or Saturday school.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.      <!--[endif]-->Detentions may last 30 minutes or at the discretion of the teacher or principal, unless stated on the detention slip.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.      <!--[endif]-->Failure to return a detention slip or show up for a scheduled detention will result in an immediate call to parents.  A second offence will add five behavioral demerits to the student’s conduct points for the grading period and an automatic 2nd detention.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->6.      <!--[endif]-->After receiving more than 8 demerits in 5 days, a detention will be earned.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->7.      <!--[endif]-->Thirty behavioral, thirty responsibility demerits or forty-five total of any combination in any grading period will result in Saturday school for one or two hours to be determined by the principal.  This will cost the parent $10.00 per hour.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->8.      <!--[endif]-->If detentions appear to be ineffective in correcting the problem, a suspension may be issued.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->9.      <!--[endif]--> One-day suspension will result in a (0) zero for all work that day.  However, tests taken on that day may be made up.




Detention is defined, as a specific period of time the student is required to stay and work after or during school for some infraction of the rules.  Detention may be utilized at teacher or administrative discretion as a standard disciplinary action when such action appears warranted by a student’s behavior.  Detention may be as short as fifteen (15) minutes but will not exceed one hour per day unless specifically arranged (usually 45 minutes).  Detention will normally be served from 1:00 until 1:45.  The teacher will maintain a record of all detentions.

Detention Rules

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.      <!--[endif]-->Students must report with materials (pen, paper, etc.) to work without interruption for the complete duration of the detention.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.      <!--[endif]-->No conversation will occur between students during detention.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.      <!--[endif]-->No eating or drinking will occur during detention.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.      <!--[endif]-->Students may respond verbally to the teacher when requested to do so by the teachers.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.      <!--[endif]-->Students may request permission to address the teacher by raising a hand and waiting quietly until the teacher acknowledges the student.  No other procedure for addressing the teacher is accepted.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->6.      <!--[endif]-->The detention classroom teacher will inform each student when he/she may leave.


Suspension:  Parents will be notified by a letter sent to them by their student regarding the suspension, why it was given, the duration of the suspension followed by a phone call to the you the parent to ensure that you are aware of the suspension.


Saturday School


All students (elementary, middle and high school) will attend Saturday school if they receive thirty behavioral or thirty responsibility demerits or forty-five total of any combination in any grading period.  Saturday school will last one or two hours (to be determined by the principal).  This will cost the parents $10.00 per hour.

<!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->




All students of ACA are to adhere to the official dress code.  A gray shirt with khaki pants or skirts  Pants must be neat and clean, and free of rips, cannot drag on the floor or under shoes, cannot be wider than 17 inches in perimeter and must be worn on the hips. Low-riding pants are not allowed and belts must be worn.  Skirts should not be more than 2 inches above the knee.  Sneakers must be worn at all times.  Beach shoes, flip flops or bedroom shoes are not allowed to be worn to school.  Male and female students must wear appropriate undergarments.


No hats, bandanas, do-rags, combs or other grooming aids are allowed to be worn in the hair on campus.


Jewelry must be modest, post earring for girls and small hoops.  When attending physical fitness class, no jewelry is allowed.  Boys are not allowed to wear earrings to school.


If there is a change in dress code, parents and students will be notified in writing.


Students must maintain a neat and well-groomed appearance.  No bizarre hairstyles, i.e. Mohawks, colored hair or haircuts.


Disciplinary Action

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1        <!--[endif]-->1st infraction – A note sent home from teacher, principal or administrator.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2        <!--[endif]-->2nd infraction – Student will be sent to the office to call and inform parents of dress code violation

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3        <!--[endif]-->3rd infraction – Student will call parents to bring replacement clothing while they wait unexcused from class.


The administration reserves the right to make final decisions regarding the appropriateness or consistency of a garment with the standards of this school.  We expect parents to abide by the dress code when visiting our campus.




Teacher conferences are for promoting understanding between parent/guardian, faculty and administration of ACA.  Every parent/guardian is required to participate in these informative and helpful programs.  Teachers will request a conference if it is necessary.  Parents who are requested to meet with teachers are expected to make themselves available.  Teachers may feel that a conference is not necessary in certain cases and will not make a request, however, they will make themselves available to parents who desire a meeting.


Anytime a parent wishes to speak to a teacher, the parent should call the school office and leave a message for the teacher.  The teacher will return the call and arrange a time to meet.  We ask that all parents observe the school regulation of not attempting to meet with teachers during school hours.  Such meetings take the teacher away from the classroom and are an impediment to learning.  Also, please avoid meetings that would conclude after 4:00p.m. To respect teacher work hours.




ACA ask that parents volunteer 30 hours a year at the school.  Possible services are but are not limited to the following:


Volunteer Coordination             Missions Program Director       Year End Party

Parent Teacher Fellowship                    Grounds Cleaning                     Math Olympics

Field Trip Chaperone                            Bathroom Detail                       Career Day

Story Time (younger children)   Bulletin Board                           School Picture Day

Teacher Helper                         Party Coordinator                    

Newsletter Coordinator                        Talent Show Coordinator




<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.      <!--[endif]-->Support the school and staff with your prayers, cooperation and financial faithfulness.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.      <!--[endif]-->Set a Godly example in your home, in church attendance, involvement and in service.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.      <!--[endif]-->Encourage your children in areas of respect, obedience, responsibility, orderliness, punctuality and positive attitude.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.      <!--[endif]-->Please participate in your child’s education, both at home and by volunteering to help at when you can.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.      <!--[endif]-->Read the school newsletters and stay informed on school activities.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->6.      <!--[endif]-->Promote your school in the community, church and circle of friends.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->7.      <!--[endif]-->Always support the policies and discipline of the school.  Please address any problems through the proper channels and never in the presence of students.


Telephone Usage


<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.      <!--[endif]-->The school phone is reserved for school business and emergencies only.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.      <!--[endif]-->Students must get permission from the teacher to the office personnel if they want to use the phone and calls will be monitored.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.      <!--[endif]-->Students are to make afternoon travel arrangements BEFORE coming to school.  Students will not be allowed to call home to change afternoon pick-up arrangements, unless the school changed the students’ schedule.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.      <!--[endif]-->Students will not be allowed to make calls to friends or other unnecessary reasons.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.      <!--[endif]-->Students will not be allowed to use the phone to call parents because they need lunch, that should be taken care of at home.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->6.      <!--[endif]-->All calls made to parents will be made by school officials.




Only high school students are allowed to bring cell phones to school.  Lower classmen may NOT bring cell phones to school.


<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.      <!--[endif]-->High school students must keep their cell phone on silent mode and can only answer the phone during lunch or breaks.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.      <!--[endif]-->ACA will not be responsible for theft, loss or damage to a cell phone

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.      <!--[endif]-->Cell phones should not be seen nor heard, if they are, they will be confiscated and a parent will have to pick it up.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.      <!--[endif]-->Other electronic devices such as MP3, CD payers, etc. will be confiscated by school personnel and returned to the student at the end of the day.  If a student continues to bring such items to school, they will be returned to the parent only and a suspension may be issued at the principal discretion.






Private party invitations may not be handed out in school unless all students in that class are invited.  Parents should handle these via the mail or over the phone.  Students phone numbers and addresses are confidential, therefore, the school will not release them without permission.  Please let the teacher know if you plan to distribute invitations in class.


If you would like to celebrate your child birthday in school, please let the teacher know a few days in advance.  You will be responsible for cake or other goodies and clean up.  The party may not exceed 30 minutes.




Field trips are vital to learning.  All field trips will be arranged with approval of the school administration.  A permission slip, signed by the parent or guardian is required of each student.  All class trips should be on a school day under the supervision of an approve sponsor.  School dress code should be followed.  Parents attending our field trips are asked not to bring other children along.  If there is a need, prior approval from the office is necessary.






We realize that student may have been retained prior to coming to ACA, therefore, it is our desire to see our students graduate on time and fulfill their dreams.  We will test your student and a determination will be made, then your student will be place in his/her correct grade.  However, if your student has been retained multiple times, he/she will only be promoted one grade at a time until they test out for the next grade.


Elementary promotion is done on the basis of what parents; teachers and administrators feel is best for each individual student.  All subjects must be passed in order for a student to be promoted to middle school.  If only one subject is failed, arrangements may be made to make up this work through tutoring.  Middle School students, grades 6-8 that fail two or more classes will be retained in the grade.




Students will be given textbooks or other materials during the first few weeks of school, except where lessons are computer based.  There is to be no writing and no contact paper or book covers that will stick to hardback books.  All students are required to write their name in each book assigned to them.  All textbooks that are lost, unduly damaged beyond normal wear, defaced or improperly returned must be paid for at retail cost.  If payment is not received, the student will not receive their official report card or transcript.




If a homework assignment is given, it is expected to be handed in the following day or at the discretion of the teacher.  Assignments turned in late will have points deducted unless prior arrangements are made with the teacher.  Homework is required as part of the class grade.  Therefore points will be deducted for incomplete homework, or homework not done.




<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.      <!--[endif]-->Semester exams will be given for all subjects in Middle and High School, including computer bases courses.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.      <!--[endif]-->Elementary students (1st-5th) will be given final or semester exams when required by curriculum.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.      <!--[endif]-->Middle school students may be exempt from final exams if they have maintained a 90 average through the 4th grading period. (For non computer based learning)

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.      <!--[endif]-->Approved exemptions will be announced by written notice 2 days prior to the exam date.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.      <!--[endif]-->Exam schedule will be announced one week prior to exams.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->6.      <!--[endif]-->Students on BVS or FLVS will be notified by their online instructors as to when their exams will be.




Computers are for coursework only.  Students are not allowed on non school related websites during school hours.  Such websites include,, etc.




ACA is a private school but we adhere to the policy and procedures of the Brevard School District regarding bullying and aggressive behavior.  For the District bylaws and policies regarding bullyhing, please go to or contact the school board.


Harassment - Please see the same website.  This behavior will not be tolerated at ACA.  Law enforcement will be notified if deemed necessary.



Interim and Report Cards are designed to record academic and conduct grades.  They are given every quarter (4 times a year – every 9 weeks) Students will be given one week to have the report card signed and returned to their teacher.  For middle school students, failure to do this may result in a 30-minute detention.  The loss of a report card will results in a $10.00 fee.  During the middle of each grading period, parents will receive an interim report.


Students on BVS and FLVS will receive their reports cards online and you may view them through your guardian account.


ACA's policy is to help the student earn as high a grade possible. Though grades do not really

measure a student's ability to learn. ACA's  focus is on the ability. That is why ACA will allow a student to retake any exam, class assignment, or homework as often desired until satisfied with

the mark. However, the time limit is at the end of the year.




The grades for all courses will be calculated as indicated below and reported as a letter or numerical grade for grades 1-8.  Grades 1-3 use O-N for handwriting, art, music and physical education.



Letter Grade

Quality Points













59 and below



I=Incomplete is given when requirements are lacking.  Unless this is made up within a two-week period, the grade automatically changes to an “F”.


High School Grades (9th-12th) will be calculated as indicated below and reported as a letter or numerical grade.  This scale was established by Florida Statute 1003.437 and is used in all Brevard County secondary schools.



Letter Grade











To average semester grades, the teacher doubles the average of each grading period, adds the semester exam grad and divides by five.  The teacher may use either numerical averages or letter grades with the following values assigned.

                                    A         =          4 points

                                    B          =          3 points

                                    C         =          2 points

                                    D         =          1 point

                                    F          =          0 points


Final grades are assigned according to the following scale:

                        3.50     -           4.0       =          A

                        2.50     -           3.49     =          B

                        1.50     -           2.49     =          C

                        0.50     -           1.49     =          D

                        0.00     -           0.49     =          F




Students must maintain all A’s to be on ACA’s Honor Roll Of Excellence.  Students must have a 3.5 average with no D’s to be on the Deans List.  FLVS (Florida Virtual School) grades are incorporated to determine GPA and grade.




Standardized testing will be administered twice a year.  We use Basic Achievement Skills Inventory (BASI) as our standardized testing tool.  The test is approximately 115 minutes long and consists of six times components:  Vocabulary, Spelling, Language Mechanics, Reading Comprehension, Math Computation and Math Application.


BASI is organized into four grade specific levels:


            Level 1 for grades 3-4

            Level 2 for grades 5-6

            Level 3 for grades 7-8

            Level 4 for grades 9-12

BASI determines a student’s academic strength and weaknesses, measures progress throughout the year or over several years, compares a student’s performance to the national average and place college students.


PSAT  tests will be administered at ACA.  You will be notified in writing prior to test dates.



            Academic or Vocational


ACA is proud to offer dual enrollment for our high school students.  Dual Enrollment offers students the opportunity to earn their Associates Degree or vocation certificate while still in high school.  “Dual Enrollment is defined as the enrollment of an eligible secondary student in a postsecondary course creditable toward a career and technical certificate of an associate of arts or baccalaureate degree.”  High School credits are awarded for approved dual enrollment courses, successfully completed by a student provided that that following criteria is met:


<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.      <!--[endif]-->The course is academic in nature and may be applied toward an academic degree (physical education and college preparatory courses are specially excluded)

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.      <!--[endif]-->The student has demonstrated readiness to engage in postsecondary academic work

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.      <!--[endif]-->The student has been recommended by a counselor to participate

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.      <!--[endif]-->The principal has given prior approval for the student to participate and has approved the specific courses in which the student is enrolled.

Students may take course during regular school hours, after school and during the summer term.  Dual Enrollment students do not have to pay for registration, lab fees, matriculation, however they do have to purchase their own books.  Students in Dual Enrollment may not drop a course without first obtaining permission from the principal.




We encourage all of our Junior students to strive for this.  A student in their Junior year may apply for early admission to FIT or BCC provided that their GPA is 3.0 or higher.  Early Admission means that the student may attend FIT or BCC in the Senior year in lieu of attending ACA.  The is a great opportunity for advancement.  Please see the school Administrator for details.



            What colleges and universities are looking for


“Advance Place (AP) is the enrollment of an eligible secondary student in courses offered by the AP Program administered by the College Board.    Course descriptions and course examinations are prepared by the College Board.  Examinations are administered at high school sites in May of each year at a fee established by the College Board.  Students who successfully complete the course work in an AP course receive credit toward high school graduation.  Postsecondary credit for an AP course may be awarded to students who score a minimum of 3 on a 5-point scale on the corresponding AP exam.


Although most colleges and universities grant AP and/or credit to students presenting AP Examination grades of 3 or higher, polices on awarding college credit are the decision of the individual institution.”  Please see your ACA administrator for more details.




All high school students at ACA will have the opportunity to take courses on Florida Virtual School (FLVS).  FLVS offer fully accredited online courses aligned with Florida’s Sunshine State Requirements.  ACA will provide students with access to enroll in these courses and award credit for successful completion of each course.  A student may take as many classes as they like with prior approval from the principal.  All high school students at ACA are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity.


Equipment and Policy:  If a student is taking a class on FLVS and personal equipment is needed, it is the responsibility of the student to purchase it.  ACA will not be responsible for purchasing equipment.  If the equipment is lost or damaged, ACA will not be responsible.




ACA encourages our high school students to strive for this scholarship program.  “The Bright Futures Scholarship Program is the umbrella program for three state funded scholarships: Florida Academic Scholars, Florida Medallion Scholars and the Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars Awards.


These awards are based on academic achievement and community service earned in grades 9-12.”  The Florida Academic Scholars Award requires 75 hours of community service in addition to specific academic requirements.  Your ACA administrator will meet with all seniors when it is time for students to apply for this program.




The goal of ACA is to prepare students for college, therefore, we offer the college track.  The subject progressions in the charts below show how a student should progress from grade to grade in order to meet graduation requirements and for entrance into college.  Please be aware that Pre-AP, AP and Honor classes will be taken online at FLVS.  Electives will be classroom participation and FLVS.








English 1

English 2

English 3

English 4

English 1 Honors

English 2 Honors

English 3 Honors or

AP Language

English 4 Honors or

AP Literature

Pre-AP English 1

Pre-AP English 2

AP Language

AP Literature




English 1, English 2 &

English 3

Integrated language and literature curriculum focusing on reading, writing and speaking skills.

English 1 Honors,

English 2 Honors, and

English 3 Honors

Integrated language and literature curriculum designed for the student who is seeking the demands of an advance program.

Pre-AP English 1 and

Pre-AP English 2

Advanced curriculum studies in reading writing, critical thinking and language skills to prepare students for AP Language and AP Literature.  More in-depth coursework with an emphasis on application to higher level thinking skills

AP Language

Gives students the opportunity to study college level English Language under the guideline of the College Board Advanced Placement Program.  Contents of the course follow the outline prescribed by College Board.  Students must sit for the AP exam usually given in May.










M/J Math 3

Applied Math 1

Applied Math 2


Algebra 2

Algebra 1A

Algebra 1B

Geometry OR

Geometry Honors

Algebra 2 OR

Algebra 2 Honors

Adv. Topics in Math or Pre-Calc Honors OR AP Statistics

Algebra 1 Honors

Geometry Honors

Algebra 2

Algebra 2 Honors

Pre-Calculus Honors

AP Calculus AB OR AP Statistics

Geometry Honors

Algebra 2 Honors

Pre-Calc Honors

AP Calculus AB

AP Calculus BC OR AP Statistics




Applied Math 1 & 2

Study of Algebra 1 over a two-year period.  Instruction is activity driven and student centered.  Satisfactory completion of Applied Math 1 & 2 meets the Algebra 1 graduation requirement.  Open to students that score unsatisfactorily in BASI.

Algebra 1B

Second year of a two-year study of Algebra 1 begun in the 8th grade.  Continued development of algebraic concepts and processes.  Satisfactory completion of Algebra 1A and 1B meet the Algebra 1 graduation requirement.

Algebra 1

Study of Algebra 1 in one year.  Emphasis on using algebraic concepts and processes to solve a variety of real-world and math problems.


Stresses the importance of critical thinking.  Students will learn fundamental properties of geometry, solve problems, explore relationships between plane and solid geometry and understand the algebra associated with coordinate geometry.

Geometry Honors

A more rigorous in-depth study of Geometry and goes beyond the basics.  Students will use and understand an axiomatic system and be aware of the difference between Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometries.

Algebra 2 & Algebra 2 Honors

A continuation of algebraic concepts functions and processes.  Students use algebraic procedures and symbolism in problem solving, demonstrate and understanding of geometry associated with functions and understand concepts and relation to probability.

Advanced Topics

Emphasis on continued study of math beyond Algebra 1, 2, and Geometry to provide adequate preparation for college level math.

Pre-Calculus Honors

The study of functions and other skills needed for success in the stud of calculus.

AP Calculus AB

Gives students the opportunity to study college level math under the guidelines of the College Board AP Program.  Content follows the outline prescribed by College Board.  AP exam required

AP Statistics

Provides students with the opportunity to study college level math under the guidelines of the College Board AP program.  Content follows the outline prescribed by College Board.  AP exam required.









Integrated Science 1

Integrated Science 2

Integrated Science 3

Science elective

Biology 1

Chemistry 1

Physics 1

Science elective

Biology 1 Honors


Student must be taking Algebra 1 or Algebra 1B or higher

Chemistry 1 Honors


Must be taking Algebra 2 or higher math.

Physics 1 Honors


Must be taking Advanced Topics or higher math.

Science elective


Science electives can be taken on FLVS.  Elective will be taken in Grade 10 if student is not ready for Algebra2 and chemistry.

Students must complete either Integrated Science 1-2-3 or the biology 1, Chemistry 1, Physics 1 sequence in order to meet the science graduation requirements.




Integrated Science 1, 2, & 3

Parallels international science courses and shows relationships among the sciences and with technology and society.  Courses emphasize the development of reasoning, observation and scientific analysis.  Includes quantitative and qualitative chemistry, physics, biochemistry, genetics, geology, ecology, space science and evolutionary biology.  Experimental design and laboratory investigations are integral to these courses.  This sequence addresses all the Sunshine Sate Standard for science.

Biology 1 and Biology 1 Honors

Fundamental concepts of life science including cell function and structure, genetics, ecological relationships.

Physics 1 and Physics Honors

Study the concepts, theories and laws governing the interaction of matter and the resulting energy changes.

Chemistry 1 & Honors

Study of the structure properties and composition of matter and the resulting energy changes.

Science elective may be taken on FLVS.









World History

American History

Government & Economics

Social Studies elective

World History Honors

American History Honors or Pre-AP U.S. History or

AP U.S. History

AP World History

Government Honors & Economics Honors

Pre-AP Government & AP Government or Economics Honors & AP Government

AP U.S. History

Social Studies elective or

AP Economics

Economics Honors if not taken in 11th grade.




World History & World History Honors

Examines events affecting human civilizations with an emphasis on the Renaissance to modern times

American History &

American History Honors

Explores the political, economic, religious, military, scientific, and cultural events affecting the rise and growth of the US.

Pre-AP US History

More in-depth coursework accenting higher level thinking skills.  Prepares students for rigors and AP US History course.

AP US History

Provides student an opportunity to study college level US History under the guidelines of the College Board AP Program.  Content follows the outline prescribed by College Board.  AP exam is required.

NOTE:  If taken in 10th grade, Social Studies credit will apply

American Government and Am. Govt Honors

Examines the American government structure and political behavior at the federal, state and local levels.

Economics & Economics Honors

Study of the major characteristics of the mixed market economic system in the US.






Language Arts I, Math I, Comprehensive Science I, World Cultures and electives


Language Arts 2, Math 2, Comprehensive Science 2, World Geography and electives


Language Arts 3

 Math 3 or Algebra 1A (successful completion of 7th grade math.  After successful completion of Algebra. 1A, students must also take Algebra 1B to fulfill the Algebra 1 requirement) or Algebra 1  (successful completion of 7th grade math and this course awards high school credit)


Comprehensive Science 3 or Biology or Earth/Space Science (both Biology and Earth Science award high school credit).


United States History



Reading I

Orientation to Art 2-D

Keyboarding (typing)



All foreign languages will be taught on FLVS.  Visit for language section and credit given.  Two continuous years in the same foreign language is required for the Bright Futures Academic Scholar and Medallion Awards.  Two years progressive study is also a minimum requirement for admission to a Florida public 4-year college or university.  Three years of study is strongly recommended.




Foreign Language

M/J Spanish

*Latin I

*Spanish 1

*Chinese 1


*Awards High School Credit



<!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->                             GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS


Requirements for graduation for grades 9-12.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.      <!--[endif]-->Student must be enrolled four years in the 9-12 sequence

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.      <!--[endif]-->Met attendance requirements

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.      <!--[endif]-->Demonstrate satisfactory mastery of the performance standards in reading, mathematics, writing, science and social studies

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.      <!--[endif]-->Achieve a passing score on BASI tests

<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.      <!--[endif]-->GPA is computed on all courses taken, include BVS or FLVS

<!--[if !supportLists]-->6.      <!--[endif]-->Receive principal’s approval for graduation




To be classified at a particular grade level, a student must earn a minimum number of credits for each year he/she spends in the 9th to 12th grade sequence and must meet the State attendance requirements.  The chart below outline grade level classification for students who entered high school as 9th graders in August 2006.




No. Of Credits

# Years In

Grades 9-12

  9  (Freshman)

*      0


10 (Sophomore)

**     5


11 (Junior)

*** 11


12 (Senior)




*9th graders do not earn credits for graduation, however, if the student wishes to take classes on FLVS (Florida Virtual School, the credits earned in FLVS will apply for graduation requirements and will be grafted into their GPA). 


*To be classified as a sophomore, the student must also earn a minimum of 5.0 credits including 1.0 or more credits in English and 1.0 credit or more in Math.  If remediation is required, the student must attend summer school.  Grade forgiveness will apply if the student passes with a higher grade in summer school.  If the student participates in FLVS, the credits earned will be grafted into their GPA.


***To be classified as a junior, the student must also earn a minimum of 11.0 credits.  If the student participates in FLVS, the credits earned will count towards graduation and GPA.  Grade forgiveness will apply if the student attends summer school and receives a passing grade.


****To be considered a senior, the student must earn a minimum of 17.0 credits.  Credits earned on FLVS will count towards gradations and will be grafted into the GPA.  Student need a total of 24 credits to graduate.


High School students are encouraged to enroll in the FLVS and to take the SAT Prep and AP Exam Prep courses.  FLVS offer students the opportunity to takes courses that cannot be scheduled in their normal day.  FLVS is computers based and will be in school during normal and after school hours and students are welcome to come on Saturday.



<!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->








<!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->


Florida’s current minimum state university admission requirements are outlined on this page.  Please note:  college admissions are extremely competitive and just meeting minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to a state university.  The better the student is prepared academically, the better his/her chance is of being admitted to the college of choice.  Consult each college’s website for information on median admissions norms.

18.0 Minimum State University Admission Requirements<!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->


                        15.0 credits in the five core academic areas (same as Bright Futures)

                        English                                      4.0 credits

                        Math (Algebra 1,2, & Geometry           3.0

                        Science                                                3.0                              

                        Social Science                                      3.0

                        Foreign Language                                 2.0 (same language)


PLUS…3.0 additional elective credits


<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.      <!--[endif]-->English

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.      <!--[endif]-->Math (beyond Algebra 2)

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.      <!--[endif]-->Science

<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.      <!--[endif]-->Social Studies

<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.      <!--[endif]-->Foreign Language*

<!--[if !supportLists]-->6.      <!--[endif]-->Fine Arts

<!--[if !supportLists]-->7.      <!--[endif]-->Dual Enrollment coursework


Students of ACA will take their language course on FLVS.  Please see for language selection and credits.



If parents wish to withdraw their child, please do so formally through the school office.  This will provide an official day of withdrawal by which a remainder of tuition owed or to be refunded can be determined.  Tuition will be prorated for days attended.  Other fees are non-refundable.  Report cards and school records will be withheld until all accounts are cleared.  The students may keep only consumable books if applicable.






I have received, read, understand and agree to abide by the Assured Christian Academy Parent-Student Manual and its consequences.


I have read and understand the Statement Of Faith of Assured Christian Academy.



Parents Signature __________________________________________ Date________


Student’s Signature_________________________________________ Date ________



